Paper-Ink and Roll card

Royal Printing; Our Services are available 7 Days a Week; WALK-IN & APPOINTMENTS (Mon – Sat 8:00 am – 5:00 pm). After-hours services in the Morning: 6:00 am – 8:00 am; Evening: 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm. After-Hour Services , Sundays and Michigan Holidays need an appointment and Additional Charges. The listed prices are guaranteed. For more information and pricelist: . Tap the link for Public Holidays, .

The live scan fingerprinting is a faster than traditional rolled ink methods. Live Scan is considered a cleaner and more accurate method of capturing fingerprints compared to the traditional ink-and-roll method, we do both technology.

New, Advanced, Fast, Digital Live Scan & Paper-Ink and roll card submission through the approved agency. For the Live Scan Background Check, tap the link  For the FBI-FD258, RI008,SF-87  etc. and/or out of State (50 State) / Nation – Roll and Ink or Live Scan Ink Card: FBI (FD-258) – Background Check ? – Royal Finger Printing For the BCI-FBI  Check: BCI – Civilian Background – Royal Finger Printing

You can Just Walk-In “No Rush or No Long Wait” assuring a 5 – 10 minute time frame for IN & OUT. Law Enforcement approved agency (FBI, State Police, Florida State Police -FDLE, Clearing House, and DOJ).

In all 50 states in the USA, we are authorized to transmit background checks through the FBI, Clearing House, and or State Police for jobs, licenses, court, personal review, rap sheet, FBI clearance, Level1 and Level 2, ATF, criminal history, visas for international studies, immigration, schools, travel, etc. For all departments (national and international), we provide Documentation, Notarization, Photos, and DOJ Payments with Mailing (USPS tracked – Priority and Express).

FBI FD-258 / DOJ / STATE / Department Card Print

Digitally printed individual’s Fingerprint images and Demographic data are using for the Ink Card printing, offering 100% accuracy and less than 2% rejection.  Please “no handwriting fill out” on the card, we will digitally print your demo-graphical data on the card FREE of charge – NO MISTAKE.  We Print and Process DOJ Cards eg. FD-258 & RI-8 blank cards and print cards FD-258/RI-8/BCI/DOJ/SF-87/FD-249/FD-353/FD-884/FD-884a… If anyone brings their own card – please make sure they must be FBI approved and a new version card. It can be useful for Court Orders, Licensing, Immigration, Visa, Adoption, etc. 90-Day Re-Print! Up to 15 – 20% OFF with satisfaction guaranteed. Most of the State DOJ and FBI – CJIS recommending a set of separate quality ink prints. Please submit all related forms, documents, and a valid Government-issued photo ID or explain the reason for the fingerprint, we will sort out what kind of filing or printing you needed. We will take care of DOJ payment, Documentation, Filing, Fax, and USPS Priority/Express Mailing Services.

Photo ID Verification

Submit One Primary ID or..: The most commonly accepted forms of photo ID issued by the Government Authorities are Driving License, State ID, Military ID, Green Card, U.S. Passport or Passport Card, Federal Government Personal Identity Verification Card (PIV), Federal/State/Local government agency ID card, Canadian driver’s license, Foreign Passport with Appropriate Immigration Document (s), etc. Make sure all the identification documents are original (“not copied”), current, valid, and unexpired.

Out of State Paper Ink and Roll Card Print related to TCN ?

An authorized Paper-Ink and Roll Card Printers can’t issue TCN, but an authorized Card Readers or Card Scanners can issue this number because they are using our authorized printed card to read. Card reader’s system will automatically generate this number whenever they are going to read. Applicant, please check with your applied state’s approved Hard Card Scanners/Readers list.

Transaction Control Number (TCN), is an automatically generating number at the time of LIVE SCAN applicant’s information and fingerprints are entered in the system. FBI, Michigan and Florida State applicants will get this number because they are using the LIVE SCAN system.

Michigan – Petitioning the court for a legal change of name

  • Make a formal application with the court for a legal name.
  •  Michigan Applicant card (RI-008). Complete the card entirely.
  • Submit the card to the Michigan State Police, Cashier’s Office, P.O. Box 30266, Lansing, Michigan, 48909-7766, fully completed, along with a $43.25 processing fee for each individual (check or money order) made payable to the State of Michigan and a copy of the Petition to Change Name form.

Michigan – Procedure to set aside a conviction

This is a judge-ordered removal of a criminal record (from public to nonpublic) for a juvenile with not more than three juvenile offenses and no felony convictions or an adult with one criminal conviction and not more than two minor offenses

  • You must receive and complete an application to set aside a conviction or set aside an adjudication from the court where you were convicted and a certified copy of the judgment of sentence, probation order, or register of actions. The proper form for adults is the MC227 and for juveniles is the JC66.
  • Michigan Applicant Fingerprint card (RI-008). Complete personal information on the card.
    • Submit the applicant fingerprint card (RI-008), the application form from the court (MC227 or JC66), a certified copy of the judgment of sentence, probation order, or register of actions, and a $50.00 ($25.00 juvenile set aside) processing fee in the form of a money order or check made payable to the State of Michigan.
    • If applying for multiple juvenile set asides, include a copy of each application and certified judgment/order. Juvenile set aside applications submitted separately will require additional fingerprints and $25.00 fees.
    • Mail the above information to the Michigan State Police, Cashier’s Office, P.O. Box 30266, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7766.

Instant Passport Photos 2 x 2 & World Wide Photos: Ready to go 10 Minute USA / CANADA Printed Or Digital Copy $20 additional copy $10. We are using global wide photo template to cover up all the nations, it meet the official requirements of the nations. Our professional photos can be useful for the Visa (Temporary / Resident), E-Visa, PIO, Passport, Citizenship, Permanent Resident, Green card, PCC / Birth Certificate, FRRO, Driving License, ID Card, Taxi License and much more. Please let us know your country name and requirements, you will get the photographs in your fingertips with in no time.

Michigan’s Law on Notarial Acts (MiLONA), P.A. 238 of 2003, as amended, is an act to provide for the qualification, appointment, and regulation of Notary Publics (Notaries) by the Secretary of State. As such, a Notary is a public servant. The MiLONA prescribes powers and duties of state agencies and local officers and provides for remedies and penalties. The MiLONA provides for the protection of citizens against fraud by requiring that a commissioned Notary verify and attest to the signing of documents. The MiLONA further provides for the admissibility of evidence and establishes the recognition of acknowledgments and other notarial acts performed outside of this state.

Notary Commission

  1. Notary Public: State of Michigan
  2. Notary Name:  Exactly as commissioned
  3. Date of Notarization:
  4. County of Commission:
  5. Commission Expiration Date:
  6. Acting in the County of _______. (Included when performing a notarial act outside of the Notary’s county of commission)
    Notary Signature – exactly as commissioned.

The MiLONA does not require Notaries to use an embossed seal or rubber stamp on a document.  However, the use of a stamp provides for a more consistent and complete notarization.

Notarization Types
As discussed above, a commissioned Notary is authorized to perform three (3) types of notarizations.
1. Acknowledgments,
2. Administer Oaths or Affirmations (Jurat), and
3. Witness or Attest to a Signature
Note: A Notary should not decide what type of notarial act a document requires. The client must know and tell the Notary or the document itself clearly indicates what is needed. For example, the jurat indicates that the document was “sworn to before me,” then an oath must be administered.


When administering oaths, parties should raise their right hands. The left hand may be used in cases of disability.  Following the oath, the signer must answer affirmatively i.e.:  I do or Yes.

If no other wording is prescribed, a Notary may use the following or similar language for an affidavit or deposition:

  • Do you solemnly swear that the information set forth in this document is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge and belief?
  • Do you solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the statements made by you in this document are true and correct?

We are authorized, use this link for to verify SOM – State of Michigan

